TU Wien, Favoritenstrasse 9-11/193-04, 1040 Vienna, Austria
I have carried out several national and international research and development projects (R&D) with focus on CSCW, HCI, TUI, software development, health care, manufacturing, architecture, ambient assisted living, gameful design, and education of computational thinking. I also initiated and carried out various projects for teaching and third mission purposes (T). The research grants listed below are sorted by their starting date.
The aim of the doctorate college is to identify the challenges of inclusive, meaningful, and effective STEM teaching and to meet them through the innovative possibilities of the fields of computer science/technology and art/art education. The individual dissertation topics first capture the current status in the Austrian education and school landscape and then derive new interventions with the help of innovative processes from computer science, architecture, art, and education in order to evaluate the further potential of various approaches.
Other partners:University College of Teacher Education in Vienna (Pädagogische Hochschule Wien, PH Wien)
Funding: Federal Ministry Republic of Austria for Education, Science and Research (BMBWK) (Total project fund: 693.114€; Total fund for the TU Wien ACUR: 166.107€)
StreetForum - Transforming streets into accessible urban oases through consensus building with digital and analogue tools
03/2023 - 08/2025 (R&D)
The transformation of neighbourhoods from car-dominated to people-centred places requires the consensus of multiple stakeholders. Consensus can be built by developing a common understanding of the local issues, building trust among stakeholders, empowerment of local communities to act on their own issues and raising awareness of the long-term impacts of street interventions. The project will develop the StreetForum Toolkit to help urban authorities, citizens and civic organisations to build consensus around street transformation projects affecting accessibility in urban neighbourhoods. It will consist of analogue and digital tools that help consensus building and negotiation of access and design. We will develop stakeholder personas and narratives representative of street transformation, a collaborative digital crowdsourcing tool, a consensus making design game, an online street value assessment platform, a physical mobile co-design cart, guidelines for using art installations and cultural events as well as governance guidelines. The toolkit will be tested in four living labs (Brussels, Vienna, Stockholm, Istanbul) to evaluate its impact, transferability and scalability and will be available as free-to-use resources for the broader community.
StreetForum - Transforming streets into accessible urban oases through consensus building with digital and analogue tools
Duration: 03/2023 - 08/2025
Type: An international research project (R&D)
Project team: Hilda Tellioğlu (scientific partner and project site manager), Gerfried Mikusch
Other partners: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, space and place, Spacescape, Cultureghstrong, Alain Tisserand architect, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Bogazici University, Municipality of Anderlecht, Municipality of Stockholm, Mobilitatsagentur Wien, Konstframjandet, Bezirksvorstehung Ottakring (District Council Ottakring-Vienna 16th district), Car-free Cities Alliance, Geht-doch.wien, Postgraduate Center, University of Vienna, Weatherpark GmbH, Bezirksvortstehung in Mariahilf (District Council Mariahilf-Vienna 6th district), Impact Hub Vienna GmbH, aspern.mobil LAB
Funding: Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), the Federal Ministry Republic of Austria for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) (Total project cost: 1.054.613€; Total project fund: 867.796€; Total fund for the TU Wien ACUR: 117.808€
Storytelling by Students - From School to Higher Education
01/2023 - 07/2023 (T)
In the project, students talk about their experiences shortly before choosing a course of study, their thoughts on choosing a course of study, the time during their entry into the course of study, and the first years during their studies. Students will design a digital platform for this storytelling, enabling them to report on their transition from school to university and pass on valuable knowledge to future and prospective students. Multimedia content will be produced by the students, according to their interests and realities, and will function as an object for interacting and exchanging experiences with other students. On the one hand, this project is intended to make it easier for first-year students to enter the world of higher education and, on the other hand, to offer students orientation and self-assessment for technical studies at a university.
Im Projekt „Storytelling by Students“ werden zukünftige Studienanfänger:innen mit Studierenden vernetzt, um Studienanfänger:innen die Orientierung zur Studienwahl und den Einstieg in die Welt der Hochschulen zu erleichtern. Dabei erzählen Studierende von ihren Erfahrungen zur Studienwahl und ihren ersten Studienerlebnissen. Der Austausch findet auf der „Storytelling by Students“-Platform statt. Dies ist eine von Studierenden gestaltete digitale und partizipative Plattform, die es Studierenden ermöglicht, ihr Wissen an zukünftige und werdende Studierende weiterzugeben. Entsprechend ihren Interessen und Realitäten produzieren Studierende selbst multimediale Inhalte, die der Interaktion und dem Erfahrungsaustausch mit anderen Studierenden dienen. Die „Storytelling by Students“-Plattform stellt dabei nicht nur eine bloße Informationssammlung, sondern ein lebendiges, wachsendes Zusammenspiel an Inhalten dar, welches von Studierenden laufend selbstorganisiert gefüllt wird. Das Projekt entsteht aus einer hochschulübergreifenden Initiative, die sich aus der Zusammenarbeit von Studierenden der FH Campus Wien, der FH Technikum Wien und der Technischen Universität Wien ergibt.
Storytelling by Students - From School to Higher Education
Duration: 01/2023 - 07/2023
Type: A national 3rd mission and dissemination project (T)
Project team: Hilda Tellioğlu (principle investigator), Noah Pfander, Lukas Felser, Karin Lang
Other partners: UAS Campus Wien, UAS Technikum Wien
Funding: Center for Technology and Society (CTS) (Total project cost: 23.660€; Total project fund: 16.826€)
Dynamic Mobility Nudge (DyMoN): Shaping sustainable urban mobility behaviour with real-time, user-generated and public open data
06/2022 - 12/2023 (R&D)
Im Projekt bauen und implementieren wir Sensorboxen zur Messung von Temperatur und Lärm. Nach der Nutzung dieser Sensorboxen im Zeitraum von März bis Juni 2023 wird über eine eingerichtete kundenspezifische Datenschnittstelle Messwerte und Statusmeldungen der Sensoren übertragen, welche dann analysiert werden. Dieses Vorhaben ist ein Teil des Urban Europe Projektes.
Skill-Sharing for young people with disabilities - Kompetenzweitergabe jugendlicher und junger Erwachsener mit Behinderung
01/2022 - 06/2022 (R&D)
Der thematisch-inhaltliche Rahmen des Projekts besteht darin, Möglichkeiten zu erforschen, wie Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene mit Behinderung in der Weitergabe Ihrer Fähigkeiten unterstützt werden können. Dabei soll die Wahrnehmung der eigenen digitalen Kompetenzen stärkenorientiert aufgebaut, weiterentwickelt und diese Kompetenzen an andere Personen übermittelt werden, die diese noch nicht haben. Auf diese Weise sollen auch Selbstbewusstsein, Selbstwert und Kommunikationskompetenzen der betroffenen Jugendlichen ausgebaut werden sowie eine Unterstützung bei der Berufsorientierung geboten werden. Im Zuge des Forschungsprojekts sollen Ansätze, Technologien und Interaktionsformen beschrieben und erprobt werden, welche diese Weitergabe unterstützen, damit dies strukturell und eventuell institutionell erfolgen kann. Dabei profitieren sowohl die Jugendlichen und junge Erwachsenen, da die strukturierte Weitergabe den Selbstwert und die Kommunikationskompetenzen fördern kann, als auch die Empfänger:innen, deren digitalen Kompetenzen gestärkt werden.
Das aspern.mobil LAB 3.0 befasst sich mit der quartiersbezogenen Mobilität der aspern Seestadt einschließlich ihres Quell- und Zielverkehrs. Sowohl der Ort als auch die aktive Nutzer:inneneinbindung bilden das Alleinstellungsmerkmal des AMLs. Hier wird gemeinsam im dynamischen Kontext eines neuen Stadtteils ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung nachhaltiger urbaner Mobilität geleistet. Soziale und organisatorische Neuerungen sind der gemeinsame Nenner künftiger Innovationsvorhaben - abseits der prominenten technischen Innovation. Der gesamtgesellschaftlichen Herausforderung des Mobilitätswandels wird verstärkt mit Kooperation begegnet, z.B. über die Anbindung an die Wien 3420 AG und die MA18 der Stadt Wien. Gleichzeitig werden Bottom-up-Prozesse unterstützt (lokale Ideenwettbewerbe, Seestadtinitiativen zu Mobilität). Die Zusammenführung von Stakeholder:innen ist bereits ein Kernelement des aspern.mobil LAB 3.0 mit einer Erweiterung der bestehenden Community als ein zusätzliches Potential für sektorenübergreifende Innovation. Für die TU Wien ergeben sich wertvolle Forschungskooperationen durch ihre zentrale Einbettung in das Lab-Netzwerk. Das AML 3.0 fußt auf der bereits etablierten technischen, sozialen und organisatorischen Infrastruktur vor Ort. Als vermittelnde Instanz trägt es zur Steigerung der Lebensqualität vor Ort bei und verringert die bestehende Lücke zwischen Forschung(-sergebnissen) und deren Umsetzung in der Praxis. Prozesse der akteursübergreifenden Zusammenarbeit und Testungen in Experimentierräumen ermöglichen praxistaugliche Mobilitätsangebote. Entsprechend der Ziele zur CO2-Emissionsreduktion im Wiener Verkehr liegt der Fokus des AML 3.0 auf Umsetzung und Diffundierung von Innovationsvorhaben. Mithilfe von Co-Creation trägt das Lab zu einer neue Mobilitäts- und Innovationskultur vor Ort bei und stößt Transformationsprozesse im Mobilitätsverhalten an. Zielgebiete für die Übertragbarkeit der Innovationsvorhaben sind die Stadtentwicklungsgebiete Wiens, insbesondere die angrenzenden Gebiete in der Donaustadt (Berresgasse, Hausfeld, etc.). Als lokales Leuchtturmprojekt genießt das AML (inter-)nationale Sichtbarkeit und trägt zur Wahrnehmung Österreichs als Innovationsstandort bei. Zusätzliche Kooperationen mit Mobilitätslaboren in Österreich und der EU erweitern den Wirkungsbereich des aspern.mobil LABs. [More]
MM-QAS-ACUR - Innovatives Mobilitätsmanagement Quartier am Seebogen
05/2021 - 12/2022 (T)
Strategisches Ziel des Projektes ist das Erzielen einer Änderung des Mobilitätsverhaltens bei den neu hinzuziehenden Personen hin zu stadt- und raumverträglichen Mobilitätsformen (Radfahren, zu Fuß gehen, geteilte Mobilitätsformen, öffentlicher Verkehr). Definierter Zielwert und somit Orientierungswert für das Projekt ist hierbei der im Mobilitätskonzept aspern Seestadt festgelegte Modal Split von 40 Prozent Radfahren und Gehen, 40 Prozent öffentlicher Verkehr und 20 Prozent Autoverkehr. Operativen Ziele sind unter anderem: Vermittlung individueller, zielgruppenorientierter Mobilitätslösungen für die (neue) Bevölkerung, Stärkung des Bewusstseins für sanfte, nachhaltige und aktive Mobilität, Stärkung des Zusammenhalts und der Identität in der Seestadt, Generierung von Erkenntnissen zum nachhaltigen Mobilitätsmanagement, evidenzbasierte Etablierung langlebiger Instrumente im Mobilitätsmanagement der Seestadt. [More]
SmartHubs - Smart Mobility Hubs as Game Changers in Transport
03/2021 - 02/2024 (R&D)
The SmartHubs project examines mobility hubs, dedicated on-street locations where citizens can choose from different shared and sustainable mobility options. The main objective is to assess if a co-designed, user-centric development can enable mobility hubs to act as a game changer towards inclusive sustainable urban mobility and accessibility. SmartHubs will examine, develop and apply research methods and tools in SmartHubs Living Labs in Brussels, Rotterdam-the Hague metropolitan region, Munich, Vienna and Istanbul. SmartHubs will develop and apply novel participatory and impact assessment tools like (i) an open accessibility tool involving inputs from individual citizens to examine the local accessibility impacts of mobility hubs, (ii) an accessibility network analysis and resilience tool to examine the impacts of mobility hubs on transport network resilience, (iii) a multi-actor multi- criteria analysis method to involve individual citizens and (iv) tangible augmented reality technologies and gamification and user experience (UX) approaches to facilitate co-creation processes of mobility hub design. Finally, SmartHubs goes beyond the current state of the art conducting rigorous research on a broad range of mobility, accessibility, vulnerability, resilience and societal impacts of mobility hubs, including vulnerable to exclusion population segments such as low-income, digitally limited skilled, female citizens and refugees. [More]
Das Online Self Assessment (kurz OSA) Angebot der Technischen Universität Wien ist eine Unterstützung bei Ihrer Studienwahl, welches Sie bequem von zu Hause aus durchführen können. Es soll Ihnen Inhalte eines Studiums näher bringen und Sie dadurch in Ihrer Studienentscheidung beraten. Ziel des OSA ist es, Ihnen eine Einschätzung Ihrer eigenen Interessen und Fähigkeiten zu ermöglichen, sowie Sie zur Selbstreflexion anzuregen. Durch interaktive Aufgaben und Informationsmaterialien lernen Sie Inhalte aus einem Studium kennen und werden dadurch einen ersten Einblick in verschiedene Bereiche erhalten.
Goodbrother - Network on Privacy-Aware Audio- and Video-Based Applications for Active and Assisted Living (COST action 19121)
09/2020 - 09/2024 (R&D)
Europe faces crucial challenges regarding health and social care due to the demographic change and current economic context. Active and Assisted Living (AAL) are a possible solution to face them. AAL aims at improving health, quality of life, and wellbeing of older, impaired and frail people. AAL systems use different sensors to monitor the environment and its dwellers. Cameras and microphones are being more frequently used for AAL. They allow to monitor an environment and gather information, being the most straightforward and natural ways of describing events, persons, objects, actions, and interactions. Recent advances have given these devices the ability to ‘see’ and ‘hear’. However, their use can be seen as intrusive by some end users (assisted persons, and professional and informal caregivers.) The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) establishes the obligation for technologies to meet the principles of data protection by design and data protection by default. Therefore, AAL solutions must consider privacy-by-design methodologies in order to protect the fundamental rights of those being monitored.The aim of Goodbrother is to increase the awareness on the ethical, legal, and privacy issues associated to audio- and video-based monitoring and to propose privacy-aware working solutions for assisted living, by creating an interdisciplinary community of researchers and industrial partners from different fields (computing, engineering, healthcare, law, sociology) and other stakeholders (users, policy makers, public services), stimulating new research and innovation. Goodbrother will offset the “Big Brother” sense of continuous monitoring by increasing user acceptance, exploiting these new solutions, and improving market reach. [More]
Mit diesem Projekt wurde ein neues Konzept für die TU Lehre – ein "digitales TU Lernhaus" – konzipiert und in einem ersten Schritt teils implementiert. Dazu wurden die vorhandenen TUWEL Module dementsprechend konfiguriert und über existierende Schnittstellen des TUWEL (wie z.B. über den externen Server, LTI bzw. über den Datenaustausch im Hintergrund) an weitere Applikationen verbunden. Diese Zusatzapplikationen wurden nicht im TUWEL sondern als Addons zu TUWEL entwickelt und integriert. [More]
CO2 - Begleitstudie zur CO2-Reduktion durch digitale Auskunftssysteme / MaaS Applikationen
09/2020 - 05/2021 (R&D)
Die im Rahmen des Projekts durchgeführten qualitativen und quantitativen Erhebungen lieferten umfassende Ergebnisse, die viele Bereiche der persönlichen Mobilität, deren Auswirkung auf den Klimawandel sowie erforderliche Veränderungen und Maßnahmen hinsichtlich einer klimagerechteren Mobilität betreffen. Einige dieser Ergebnisse betreffen nicht ausschließlich die Entwicklung von MaaS-Applikationen, sondern richten sich vorwiegend an Mobilitätsdienstleister, Behörden, Verwaltung und Politik. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, welche Implikationen sich aus diesem Forschungsprojekt heraus ergeben, um MaaS-Anwendungen so zu gestalten und zu realisieren, dass sie zur Einsparung von CO2 animieren und einen Beitrag zur klimagerechteren persönlichen Mobilität leisten können.
The Center for Technology and Society (CTS) is being developed by the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), the University of Vienna, FH Campus Wien and FH Technikum Wien as part of the project Zukunft Hochschule. The center realizes an inter-university as well as inter-faculty cooperation on various technical and socially relevant issues. Concrete projects and funding applications as well as divided study programmes and modules form the core of this inter- and transdisciplinary research center. [More]
DEBIAS - Digitally Eliminating Bias in Applicant Selection
01/2020 - 10/2020 (R&D)
Gemeinsam mit dem TU Career Center sucht das C!S nach Antworten auf die Frage, wie wir durch Technologien der Anonymisierung dem Unconscious Bias engegenwirken und ein faires Bewerbungsgespräch gestalten können, ohne die für dieses Gespräch wichtigen persönlichen Einschätzungen zu sehr zu beeinträchtigen. [More]
COMISO - Crisis Management using Multimodal Interaction for Stakeholders and Citizens
11/2019 - 10/2020 (R&D)
Objective: Project COMISO evaluates the use of artificial intelligence to implement novel patterns of interaction in crisis and disaster management and thus addresses unsolved problems in the preparation and availability of heterogeneous data. On the one hand, the interaction of crisis managers with computational systems will be streamlined and made more efficient; both in the command centre and in the field. On the other hand, the interaction with, and engagement of, the public will be individualised and becomes more scalable through new interaction patterns and selective automation.
Problem: Retrieving information from command and control systems currently requires complex graphical interfaces. In the event of a crisis, this can lead to an information deficit of operational management, despite all necessary information being available in the underlying IT systems. Forces in the field, additionally, must contend with adverse environmental conditions and stressful situations. These allow for little attention when handling digital input on mobile devices. Furthermore, quick and efficient access to specific information is often not possible. Thus, capturing digital information on site is difficult to carry out. Citizens, on the other hand, need relevant information in an individualized and accessible way to support their decision-making process in the face of uncertain situations. This need is currently fulfilled via telephone hotlines, which can lead to delayed transmission of information in a crisis situation.
Hypotheses: COMISO is based on three hypotheses: 1) A.I.-based dialog systems and speech recognition make data more efficiently accessible to all stakeholders (crisis managers, civilian population and field professionals). The need for telephone conversations and, thus, any sources of error in the information transmission is reduced. 2) Individual perspectives on heterogeneous datasets enable dialog systems that can easily be adapted for different user groups. 3) The digitization and integration of information from amateur radio clubs enables robust communication, even when traditional networks fail. These assumptions result in a hitherto untapped solution space, consisting of novel interaction profiles and associated data management.
Method: COMISO sheds light on a new solution space in crisis and disaster management through empirical research on technological development, technical feasibility and user benefits. For this purpose, a proof-of-concept (TRL4) is implemented, which represents a selected area of the solution space. The proof-of-concept utilises results from diverse previous research areas and advances them towards an unprecedented, novel solution. The potential benefit is evaluated together with stakeholders.
Expected Results: Corroboration of the formulated hypotheses would provide the basis for future technological development with significant added value for all stakeholders. Perspectives that have not been fully considered so far can be represented. The digitization of crisis and disaster management in Austria would be advanced significantly. Finally, the developed proof-of-concept can inform future technological solutions in this area. [More]
StandPI - Systemübergreifende Steuerung von Transport- und Intralogistik zur nachhaltigen Distribution im Physical Internet
08/2019 - 12/2019 (R&D)
Wissenstransfer für die Generierung von Anforderungen und Ideen gemeinsam mit den betroffenen Stakeholdern in dem Forschungsprojekt StandPI. Dazu werden Fragestellungen für mehrere Workshops mit ProjektträgerInnen und nutzenden Stakeholdern erstellt, Workshopkonzepts erstellt und durchgeführt, anschliessend analysierend dokumentiert. Das Forschungsprojekt StandPI soll der verladenden Wirtschaft ermöglichen, anbieterunabhängige Transportkapazitäten, nach Vorbild des Physical Internets, effizient zu nutzen. Hierzu werden inner- und ausserbetriebliche Systemparameter kontinuierlich erfasst. Die Echtzeit-Daten fliessen in einen Machine Learning Algorithmus, der Warenbereitstellung seitens Verlader und dynamische Transportkapazitäten, in Form von Crowdsourcing Delivery, optimal koordiniert. Ziel ist die selbstlernende Steuerung an der Schnittstelle von Transport- und Intralogistik zur systemübergreifenden Optimierung dieser heute sequentiell gesteuerten Teilbereiche. Die konsequente Nutzung der Restkapazitäten, von sich ohnehin auf der Strasse bewegenden Fahrzeugen, soll einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Erhöhung der ökonomischen, ökologischen und sozialen Nachhaltigkeit in der physischen Distribution leisten. Im Rahmen des aspern.mobil LABs, gemeinsam mit der Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH.
DYNAMO - Dynamisch-adaptives Mobilitätsmanagement
02/2019 - 06/2019 (R&D)
Wissenstransfer zur Visualisierung der Idee von dynamischem Verkehrsmanagement. Das Ziel ist das Design eines anspruchsvollen Prototyps für ein Tool zum dynamisch-adaptiven Mobilitaätsmanagement, welches kontext- und phasenbezogene Methoden und Werkzeuge bzw. Simulationen für die Einzelarbeit und Kollaboration in interdisziplinären Teams bereitstellt und die Ergebnisse entsprechend dokumentiert. Das fertige Designkonzept umfasst Personas, Szenarien, interaktive Mockups und Prototypen, welche die Hauptinteraktion, Nützlichkeit und Attraktivität des Tools darstellen. Gemeinsam mit der Firma Upstream Next Level Mobility GmbH.
Wissenstransfer für die Planung und Validierung eines Forschungsprojekts. Das Ziel ist das Design eines anspruchsvollen Prototyps für ein Prozess-Management-Tool, welches kontext- und phasenbezogene Methoden für die Kollaboration in interdisziplinären Teams bereitstellt und die Ergebnisse entsprechend dokumentiert. Gemeinsam mit der Firma AWARE GmbH.
KoopHUBS - Konzeption eines nachhaltigen, kooperativen, zweistufigen Distributionssystems für Kleinsendungen in der Stadt Wien
01/2019 - 10/2020 (R&D)
Wissenstransfer für die Generierung von Ideen gemeinsam mit den betroffenen Stakeholdern in dem Forschungsprojekt KoopHUBS. Dazu werden Fragestellungen für mehrere Workshops mit ProjektträgerInnen und nutzenden Stakeholdern erstellt, Workshopkonzepts erstellt und durchgeführt, anschliessend dokumentiert. Ziel dieses Projektes ist die Entwicklung eines stadtumfassenden, zweistufigen Logistikkonzepts mit City Distribution Centers sowie Mikro und Grätzl-Hubs für die Distribution urbaner Kleinsendungen durch branchenübergreifende Unternehmenskooperationen. Das Begründen der neuen, logistischen Strukturen (als Instrumente einer nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung), erfolgt durch Anreicherung der Mikro-Hubs um soziale Zusatzfunktionen. Dadurch wird u.a. den Problemen in der urbanen Flächenwidmung und Flächenverwertung entgegengewirkt. Im innerstädtischen Bereich soll verstärkt der Einsatz von Lastenrädern für die letzte Meile erfolgen, mit sinnvoller Ergänzung durch emissionsarme LKWs. Darüber hinaus werden optimierte Kooperations- und Betreibermodelle für die beiden Arten von Hubs bestimmt, sowie ein Funktionsnachweis auf Systemebene mit Echtdaten am Beispiel der Stadt Wien erbracht. Im Rahmen des aspern.mobil LABs, gemeinsam mit der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, und Goodville Mobility OG.
HumBAS - Knowledge-based building management combining human perception and building automation systems
01/2019 - 12/2020 (R&D)
The goal of HumBAS is to combine subjective human perception and objective data originating from building automation systems (BAS) to improve comfort for building users and infer recommendations for facility managers using knowledge engineering. In general, user feedback offers high potential for improving comfort satisfaction and adapting processes in building operation and management. However, comfort in building zones is usually quantified using sensor devices of BAS while feedback of building users is only manually analyzed by facility managers. Thus, an intuitive interface for the acquisition of human perception as well as a knowledge-based integration of objective and subjective comfort measurements are developed in order to describe an automatic process for direct consideration of user feedback and detection of problems in building management. Privacy concerns according to feedback collection are analyzed while feasibility and acceptance of this approach are evaluated using real-world field studies and experiments under laboratory conditions. [More]
04/2018 - 11/2020 (R&D)
The aim of the project is to promote sustainable mobility solutions such as free-floating mobility sharing in order to contribute to the set climate conditions (e.g., of the city of Vienna) through the use of car-sharing, as well as to reduce traffic, parking space and emissions. The need for new, sustainable transport solutions such as mobility sharing is obvious, but there is still a need for improvement in the practical implementation of these systems. This means that vehicle utilization and customer loyalty can be significantly optimized. The linking of the three elements "booking system", "tariff system" and "NUDGE" are the central problem at which the project starts.
With the start-up goUrban, the project is based on a growing, already innovatively designed system, which has a sufficient, but not too large dimensioning and is flexible enough to be able to implement tests and real-world experiments quickly - without excluding a transfer to other municipalities or cities. The basic methodological approach of the project provides an ongoing integration of (potential) users, which is roughly divided into the phases of the co-creation, the user experience and the (semi) real laboratory. [More]
An open traffic system, enabling equal mobility to all social groups is a fundamental prerequisite of democratic societies. The preceding project PHOBILITY (FFG project number 849032) investigated traffic participations of road users who suffer from fears, compulsory disorders or phobias for the first time. Research estimates that the lifetime prevalence of persons among the population who suffer from fears, phobias, and compulsory disorders 10% to 25%. Situational conditions and psychic barriers, and lack of information let persons affected believe that they are unable to control the routine situations of their daily life. A precondition of full traffic participation is the ability to control fears which are related to this situation to a sufficient degree. In the worst case, affected persons withdraw completely from social and occupational life. These persons themselves as well as traffic- and health-experts reported that one of the most important supportive measures are tools for self-distraction, self-calming, and self-manipulation as well as information for travelling and planning trips. These tools help reducing anxieties if they are combined with therapeutic principles. Knowledge derived from the PHOBILITY project is the basis for its successor, PHOBILITYaktiv which aims at developing and testing these solutions. The aim of PHOBILITYaktiv is to enable equal mobility for persons who suffer from anxieties, phobias, and compulsory disorders which also implies equal participation in social life. It shall help them to regain and to maintain their usual forms of mobility and their active participation in public transport as long as possible. In order to achieve this aim, recent developments in the field of mental health apps and cognitive therapy shall be combined. [More]
embodied gestures: Sculpting Sonic Expression into Musical Artifacts
10/2017 - 09/2020 (R&D)
embodied gestures is an artistic-research project exploring the possibilities of shaping the physical affordances of designed electronic music instruments. Having sonic gestures as the source of inspiration, the aim of this artistic-research project is the creation of a new paradigm of digital music instruments which could better support our performative ideas and musical intentions. [Project] [More]
The aspern.mobil LAB creates a space where residents, researchers, municipalities and companies can collectively contribute to the development of new, urban mobility in Seestadt Aspern. It aims to locally establish and support a new culture of mobility and innovation that can become a local flagship project for Austria as a location for innovation. Mobility and innovation culture should be carried by the community emerging around aspern.mobili LAB. The people of Seestadt, R & D actors and local stakeholders think, develop and act on an equal level. The lab serves as an infrastructure for research and development. As part of the Mobility of the Future program, it is one of 5 urban mobility laboratories in Austria, funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology. The core areas of innovative mobility solutions include active mobility, shared mobility as a service, as well as first/last-mile logistics and the analysis of their spatial, economic, ecological and social added value. [More]
Technological advancements have always created unique challenges for both academic research and society in general. Given the pervasive nature of today’s ICT and the rapid technological progression of innovation, the consequences of these developments are seldom clear and need to be carefully considered from a multitude of perspectives. Following the TU Wien credo "Technology for People", the Centre for Informatics and Society investigates developments within the intersection of society and informatics, supports research efforts across academic disciplines and facilitates an open discourse through workshops, talks and public events. It is a centre to deal with subjects of informatics and society. This is an intiative of the Faculty of Informatics at the TU Wien. [More]
The SUBURBAHN offers a specific initiative to the debate on innovative building and mobility solutions in suburban areas. In a pilot project in Ansfelden, Linz this will be addressed and explored. Based on the Living Lab approach, basics for the future structures of the test and demonstration area will be created. This also includes the development of a toolbox, including the development of a technology- and innovation-portfolio with scenarios for the implementation of projects and innovations. [More]
RAUCHFREI aims to support pregnant women to quit smoking. Therefore guidelines and prototypes for persuasive mobile applications are developed, implemented, and evaluated. The project is in cooperation with the Hauptverband der Sozialversicherungsträger and the NÖGKK. Im Rahmen eines kooperativen Forschungsprojekts zwischen der NÖGKK und der Technischen Universität Wien (TU Wien) werden Ansätze und Maßnahmen untersucht, wie schwangere Frauen adressiert und bei der Tabakentwöhnung optimal unterstützt werden können. Aufbauend auf dem multimedialen Angebot des Rauchfrei Telefons (Telefonberatung, Website, Social Media, Smartphone App) werden die Lebenswelten und Bedürfnisse von Schwangeren mittels wissenschaftlicher Methoden untersucht. Nachfolgend sollen die Ergebnisse als Grundlage für eine technologische und inhaltliche Weiterentwicklung des Angebots des Rauchfrei Telefons herangezogen werden, um ein passgenaues Angebot für Schwangere anbieten zu können. Weiters sollen basierend auf den Ergebnissen Handlungsempfehlungen für Gesundheitsprofessionistinnen und -professionisten abgeleitet werden, um dadurch eine Stärkung der Gesundheitskompetenz für die Zielgruppe zu erreichen. Konkret wurden Aussagen zum medialen Nutzungsverhalten der Zielgruppe, zu inhaltlichen Interessen der Zielgruppe in Bezug auf das Thema Rauchfreiheit, zu Motiven der Zielgruppe für einen Rauchstopp, zu fördernden Faktoren zur Umsetzung und Aufrechterhaltung der Abstinenz getroffen. [More]
ReHABITAT-ImmoCHECK+ Werkzeuge zur Darstellung des Entwicklungspotentials und zur Bewertung von innovativ nutzbaren Einfamilienhäusern
07/2015 - 12/2017 (R&D)
ReHABITAT-ImmoCHECK+ develops the conceptual basis of a gender and age sensitive set of instruments for illustrating the development potential of vacant or not fully occupied single family detached houses. This potential can be generated by re-densification and by fostering innovative forms of living together. Furthermore this set of instruments permits an assessment of the houses. On the one hand, it aims to support persons in a phases of reorientation regarding their living and housing situation, on the other it provides banks with an age and gender sensitive decision guidance for the granting of credits. [More]
RE-ACTA - Resilience Enhancement by Advanced Communication for Team Austria
11/2013 - 04/2015 (R&D)
The international Red Cross declared the strengthening of the population's resilience as one of the major challenges in crisis and disaster management. In Austria, crisis and disaster management relies on a huge and strong volunteer community. But, as a result of the continuous societal change, also patterns of volunteer engagement keep changing. Long lasting and formal memberships are hardly compatible to the current dynamic urban lifestyle. Hence, it is very important for organizations like the Red Cross to find new ways of loosely binding volunteers to their organization in order to continue of being a significant and powerful part of Austria’s crisis and disaster management strategy. RE-ACTA envisages these challenges by introducing the use of new media devices, new processes and workflows for volunteer coordination especially for the Red Cross' Team Österreich. The idea behind is to foster the resilience of the public while at the same time relieving emergency and humanitarian organizations from an uncoordinated influx of information or spontaneous volunteers. This will be accomplished by designing processes for a crowd tasking tool on the basis of the "Concept Development & Experimentation" paradigm. The process design assesses user requirements as well as the applicability of a crowd tasking tool in terms of legal aspects with special emphasis on liability and privacy. Another important aspect is to investigate the acceptance of the users of such a tool. Table Top Validation will be used as a tool to optimize the crowd tasking processes and to examine its multiple benefits in comparison to conventional solutions. Finally, all processes will be tested within a proof-of-concept demonstrator which consists of a crowd tasking management system, a mobile application and an evaluation and reporting tool. To facilitate Team Österreich’s decision process in the future, all processes are going to be integrated into a mature software solution once the design phase finished. A comparison of the RE-ACTA processes against conventional solutions will give insights into which services may be provided for certain categories of volunteers. It shall be mentioned, that the designed processes are not only applicable for emergency or humanitarian organizations like the Red Cross, they are as well applicable for other organizations like voluntary fire brigades or the BMLVS (Austrias Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports). Summarizing, RE-ACTA aims to address the volunteer’s requirements concerning a crowd tasking tool for crisis and disaster management and its usability requirements as well as involved legal, privacy and data quality aspects as well as questions concerning target group marketing. [More]
FETCH - Future Education and Training in Computing: How to support learning at anytime anywhere
10/2013 - 09/2016 (R&D)
The main contributions of ETN FETCH are: Development of solid, global European Strategic Framework for Computing Education and Training 2020 (ESFCET 2020), that leverages both local and transnational competences to en- hance European Computing Education, secures long-term competitiveness by expanding opportunities for learning mobility, and enhances partnerships between education, industry, alumni and society; development of European Evaluation Framework in Computing Education and Training 2020 (EEFCET 2020), which is in line with the European Qualification Framework (EQF), and will evaluate the three factors: Knowledge, Skills and Competences gained from Computing Education and Training; raising Computing Education and Training quality by introducing modern innovative technolo- gies, changing the nature of curriculum as course textbooks and other learning resources go digital, developing new didactical models for using social media in education. [More]
TOPIC - The Online Platform for Informal Caregivers
05/2013 - 05/2016 (R&D)
TOPIC is a European Research Project under the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme conducted by a consortium of 9 partners from both academia and industry in Austria, France, and Germany. Our consortium aimed to support informal carers in their daily needs. We provided an integrated set of online-shared spaces and services to support the physical and mental care ability of informal carers by enabling learning and orientation about care at home. TOPIC aimed to support informal carers in their daily needs with a CarePortfolio. It is an integrated set of shared spaces and services to support the physical and mental care ability of informal carers by enabling learning and orientation about care, by offering a platform for cooperation with formal carers, by improving, integrating, and making (mobile) multimodal communication easier and accessible for informal carers to connect with other informal carers, friends, or family members. In this project, we claim that we can help informal carers to alleviate stress and increase independency and efficiency of daily informal care giving tasks. We challenge this mainly by the provision of social support, which Thoits' (1986) has defined as a "multidimensional phenomenon that may be expressed through a number of different processes such as the provision of information and advice, help with care giving, or communicating concern and compassion for the caregiver". Different types or dimensions of social support have been discussed in the literature. Medical Outcome Study (MOS) distinguishes three dimensions of social support (Sherbourne & Stewart, 1991): informational, instrumental (or tangible), and emotional, on which we build our idea. [More]
kommTUI - Object-Based Interactive Communication to Support Social Exchange between Elderly
02/2010 - 02/2013 (R&D)
The aim of this project is to design and develop a communication technology to support communication and social interaction of older people in a non-stigmatizing way. In recent years the technical development of computer systems and mobile devices went on quickly, but the interface with which these devices are operated, mostly remained unchanged. Classical input devices like mouse and keyboard or small mobile phone keyboards turned out to be a great challenge for the elderly. New technologies with innovative user interfaces can help to support communication and social interaction of the growing number of older people. In this project, creative design methods will be used to develop an innovative product in form of an executable prototype. The prototype will be tested and evaluated by potential users in real life situations in three iterations. The target group is older people who have little or no experience in the use of computers, the Internet, or mo- bile phones but want to use new, innovative technologies to maintain their interpersonal contacts. One focus of this project is to investigate whether communication systems with tangible user inter- faces are more suitable and intuitive for older people and whether they can improve the application and acceptance of communication technologies by them. Based on the research on tangible user in- terfaces, user-centered design, and intuitive interaction, a communication system will be designed and developed. [More]
Mentoring4her: Industrie- und Wirtschaftsmentoring für Frauen im IT-Bereich
12/2008 - 07/2009 (T)
Mentoring4her offered support for women in planning their career, in searching for new possibilities within their profession, in changing their point of interest in occupation or their employment, in trying to achieve a better position in an enterprise, especially in becoming a leading person, and managing teams and projects. The women participating the project were interested and occupied in an IT profession, coming from Vienna, Lower Austria, Burgenland, Upper Austria, Salzburg, and Styria. The difference to other mentoring projects was that this project was only for non-academic women in IT. [More]
TRICE - Training, Research and Innovations in Computer Education
11/2008 - 11/2011 (R&D)
The concrete aim of this project is to introduce research and innovations in computing education (CE) and training. This is achieved through analysing the existing situation, exchanging experiences, disseminating good practices among all partners and raising the quality of education, by using innovative educational technologies. Another aspect of the main goal is to integrate teams from universities, research institutes and companies so that ETN TRICE becomes teaching, research and innovations operator in Computing Education. This objective is achieved and the activities completed thanks to the collective experience and results achieved from the two previous successfully completed networks “European Computing Education and Training” and „Doctoral Education in Computing”. [More]
Model-based Adaptive Product and Process Engineering
09/2005 - 02/2008 (R&D)
MAPPER enabled fast and flexible manufacturing by providing methodology, infrastructure, and reusable services for participative engineering in networked manufacturing enterprises, demonstrating practical benefits and scientific values in three industrial pilots. The research approach was business and user-driven. The results were twofold: technology and methodology. The MAPPER solution consisted of four components: Reconfigurable visual enterprise models of products, processes and other enterprise aspects. Models described in business terminology enable the cultivation of a web of shared understanding among stakeholders, and management of complex and dynamic networked manufacturing enterprises; participative engineering methodologies, enabling joint product and process design, interdisciplinary and inter-organisational collaboration throughout multiple product life-cycles; secure collaborative service integration platform, enabling enterprises to access each others engineering tools and product data in a collaborative, yet secure manner; customisable work environments for different stakeholders, roles and tasks in networked manufacturing. The platform enabled solution providers and users to jointly customise such environments. Using MAPPER results, enterprises can transform into dynamically networked organisations. Integrating, holistic views of the joint enterprise lowers friction and process losses, resulting in more effective operations, innovative designs, and increased business opportunities. [More]
Systemische Integration: Von Produktion und Dienstleistung: Entwicklungspfade und erfolgreiche Umsetzungsprozesse
01/2001 - 12/2004 (R&D)
The project was about studying and analyzing the ICT professions in Germany and Austria. The main goal was to investigate current work practices and cooperations established in ICT sector in general, and in multimedia production, B2B, and enterprise resource planning in particular. By means of several case studies carried out in Germany and Austria in several enterprises, insights of work practices, level of knowledge professionals need, cooperation and communication habits are gained. One of the goals achieved was to recommend organizational and technical issues to improve the production and creation of services in ICT sector in Europe. [More]
Kooperative Planung: Pilotprojekt zur Entwicklung eines computerunterstützten Kommunikations- und Entwurfsraums zwischen ArchitektInnen und HerstellerInnen
01/1998 - 06/1999 (R&D)
In diesem Projekt geht es um die Entwicklung einer Kommunikationspraxis, einschließlich einer diese unterstützende technisch-organisatorische Umgebung, die Architekten hilft, den Lösungsraum für ihre Projekte zu erweitern. Hersteller wiederum sollten darin unterstützt werden, ihre Angebote an vielfältige und variierende Anforderungen anzupassen. Zur Ermöglichung der Kommunikationsverdichtung wurde im Rahmen des Projektes ein Anforderungsprofil für im Internet angebotenen Produktinformationen entwickelt, das auf die Informationsbedürfnisse von Architekten abgestimmt ist. Es wurden Anfragen nach Produkten und Lösungen auf einem Marktplatz strukturiert und Beispiele reichhaltiger Erzählungen zur Kommunikation eines Entwurfskonzepts gegeben. Anschließend wurde eine kommunikationsunterstützende technische Umgebung in Prototypform ("CoPlan") entwickelt (Bauer et al. 1998; Tellioglu 1998, 1999). [More]
telm@ - computer science and telecommunication curriculum for women in Lower Austria
12/1997 - 07/2010 (R&D)
telm@ (Frauen in Telekommunikation und Informatik) is a curriculum for unemployed women in Lower Austria, with a focus on electronic data processing (edp) and telecommunication. The main goal of the curriculum is to give women returners knowledge and skills in computer science to use computers, networks and telecommunication in their future daily work, as well as enabling them to become professionals in the field of computer systems like system administrators, telecommunication and network specialists, edp consultants, trainers, Internet providers or edp vendors. There are 16 unemployed women as trainees. [More]
Flexible Standardisierung: Möglichkeiten der computerunterstützten Integration von Design und Produktion am Beispiel Architektur
01/1996 - 12/1997 (R&D)
Zielsetzung des Forschungsprojekts war es, den Gründen für das Auseinanderklaffen von (architekturtheoretischem) Interesse an den Möglichkeiten industrieller Vorfertigung und der Realität von Planen und Bauen nachzuspüren. Aus der Analyse der Literatur sowie eigenen Fallstudien in den Bereichen Betonbau und Holzbau erschließt sich die folgende Problemkonstellation: Struktur des Angebots; unterschiedliche professionelle Kulturen; geschlossene Prozesse. [More]
Das digitale Krankenhaus: Eine Technikfolgen-Abschätzung moderner Telekommunikationstechnologien im Krankenhaus am Beispiel des Donauspital/SMZO
01/1996 - 12/1996 (R&D)
In diesem Projekt wurden ethnographische Studien in mehreren österreichischen und ausländischen Krankenhäusern durchgeführt. Folgende Aspekte des Einsatzes von PACS (picture archiving and communication systems) in Radiologieabteilungen wurden in Detail untersucht: PACS-Varianten, Ausbaustufen und unterschiedliche Konzepte; technische Infrastruktur und Integration mit existierenden Systemen wie KIS (Krankenhausinformationssystem); Teleradiologie in Österreich - Realisierungen, Potentiale und Gefahren; Arbeitsorganisation; Qualität der Versorgung; NutzerInnen/AnwenderInnen; Wirtschaftlichkeit von PACS - Potentiale und unerfüllte Erwartungen; digitale Radiologie - Datensicherheit, Datenschutz und rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen; rechtliche Aspekte. [More]
Software Cultures: The influence of work organization, management style and occupational culture on systems designers' approaches in a cross-cultural perspective
05/1994 - 10/1995 (R&D)
The aim of this project was to look into the work practices of software developers. In contrast to existing research on large software development projects (e.g. Baroudi et al., 1986; Curtis et al., 1988; Ives and Olson, 1984), this study strongly focuses on the workplace of the software developer from a sociology of work perspective. This workplace is embedded in a network of different actors with partially overlapping, partially incongruent interests, objectives and interpretations. It requires software developers to seek a balance between their own skills, practices and identity; the resources and constraints they find in their work environment (in terms of financial resources, time, organisational structures, management styles, patterns of co-operation etc.); the opportunities of establishing patterns of cooperation with significant other actors (end-users, management etc). [More]
Hilda Tellioğlu
TU Wien, Institute of Visual Computing & Human-Centered Technology
Artifact-Based Computing & User Research (ACUR)
Favoritenstrasse 9-11/193-04, A-1040 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43.1.58801.193405
Email: hilda.tellioglu@tuwien.ac.at